Japan Live 💖🎂🎂 My 24th Birthday Party! 🥳🥳 東京💖🎂 24歳の誕生日会! 🥳🥳

Japan Live 💖🎂🎂 My 24th Birthday Party! 🥳🥳 東京💖🎂 24歳の誕生日会! 🥳🥳

Today I’m streaming from home in Tokyo!

It’s finally here, my birthday!!
I’ve been so excited looking forward to today, and celebrating it with all of my chat!

I couldn’t sleep well last night, because I was so excited
And I’m really looking forward to spending the whole day with you all!

Today will be a fun day of dancing, opening presents, CAKE (hopefully) and looking forward to the future!
I spent a lot of time decorating, so I hope you like how it looks

I can’t express how grateful I am for everyone’s support, and how you all have made my life so much better
Even though my father didn’t give me a birthday present, you all make me very happy!

So please join me for a very fun and exciting!! day as I bring you…
A little piece of Japan every day!

Japan Festival
Japan Matsuri
Tokyo Matsuri
Tokyo Festival
Tokyo Live Stream
Tokyo Vlog
Tokyo Adventure
Tokyo Travel Tokyo Walk Tokyo Live Japan Live Stream Japan Vlog Japan Travel Japan Walk Japan Live




運営歴も長く老舗の出会い系アプリ。 エロエロな女の子が多くて、出会える率も高いのでオススメ!!
